Thursday, July 21, 2016

Summer fun- make and take!

I love, love, LOVE throwing parties...and usually they go off without a problem...well...cue summer 2016 and all the craziness that it has held! Normally, my party is planned, food is prepped, house is somewhat clean and guests are arriving...not this time! This time, I inched by and barely made the party happen. So, here are some tips, what I would suggest NOT doing, and a few pictures (that I remembered to take).

Make and Takes are an amazing way to show your friends and family just how easy it is to live a toxic free life with essential oils. I think that as we get older, people often assume that adults don't like arts and crafts (I also think that the recent mania surrounding adult coloring books shut those critics up!) and we gather around and talk about boring adult stuff...or sometimes no talking...just awkward stares. Well, let me tell you that even with the craziness of this one, my make and takes are always successful and the guests seem pleased with their new items.

Down to business:
1. Have a theme. This one was 'Summer Fun,' so it was itchy cream, camping perfume and Thieves cleaner.
2. Create an event on Facebook- it's just the easiest way to keep track and to target all your guests at once. (Try to provide at least 3 weeks, but not more than 5...that seems to be too long and people forget).
3. Order supplies- abundant health is a great site- or Amazon. (Order a few extra from what your event RSVP list says...just in case!)
4. Order your oils, purchase any carrier oil you will need as well. (I forgot to order the proper amount of oils...luckily I am surrounded by oily peeps and was able to get what I needed on the day of the party!! PHEW!) Once you have your supplies and oils figured out, you can see what you will need to charge your guests to offset the costs. (I strive for $10 or under per party).
5. Food prep! This is fun, and I usually center the food around the use of essential oils in baking, too. Plan your menu in advance and print up some cuter labels than these ones! LOL! Another last minute reminder...

6. Print up recipe cards for your guests to take, and I buy clear frames at Walmart or the Dollar Store for an easy and clean look. I set them up at each station. Also, at the Dollar Store there are clear plastic bags that are perfect for guests to take their items home.

7. It's party day!!  Get your supplies and oils set up in their own area Example: itchy cream on the counter, camping perfume on the table, Thieves cleaner on the other counter. This helps it flow a bit better and allows you to break up into smaller groups rather than try to teach all at once.
8. Normally, when guests arrive, money is gathered and then a quick overview of each item is done...well...I was having a bit of trouble trying to figure out why the cream base for the itchy cream wasn't getting solid (then I remembered it was 88 degrees in my house...) and guests were allowed to mingle and shop! FYI- it was a joint party with my friend Tiffany's LuLaRoe clothes!! Thank goodness!! This was a great way for us to reach a multitude of guests as well. I suggest pairing up if you're able :)
9. Ok...good luck! I promise to do a better job of picture taking, recipe printing and overall remembering next time...until then, let me know how your party goes!!

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